Wednesday, December 30, 2009

my song: psalm 40

©12/30/09 hannah mclean

when iniquities have overtaken
and i cannot see
when evil beyond number
has encompassed me
when my heart fails
be pleased
be pleased
be pleased, o Lord, to deliver me
my unrestrained lips plead
for unrestrained mercy

You bend to hear me
i proclaim You
You have preserved me
i proclaim You
Lord, You have freed me and
i proclaim You

You have multiplied
the wondrous works that You have done
who can compare with You?
not one
not one
not one

faithful to save
i tell the glad news of You
steadfast to love
unconcealed, i reveal You
my unrestrained lips flow
i speak what i know

You have multiplied
the wondrous works that You have done
who can compare with You?
not one
not one
not one

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Song of Solomon 1:15 “Behold, you are beautiful, my love; behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.”

Psalm 36:9 For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light.

i am my Beloved’s
©12-26-09 hannah mclean

stripped bare
my scars and bruises present themselves to you
every stain and sin displayed
the places i bleed from spatter You
cracked, shattered, patched
anxieties and worries shown
all that holds me known
i am laid out before Your eyes
nothing to cover me but Your Son
who bathes me in light
yet unashamed in Your presence
i hear You say
in the voice to which my knees bow
you are beautiful, My love.”