My name is Hannah. I have a tendency to go too deep too fast and frighten unsuspecting people who enter into conversation with me. I think mostly it is just because I have a real desire to know people, not just things about them, but who they are. When people choose to share their lives with me, I feel truly honored.
I am an odd combination of contradicting words; for example, I have no qualms about fixing my car while wearing a skirt. I enjoy flowers, food you can dunk in things, snuggling my babies, and words that make funny sounds when you say them (such as "snooze"...You can't actually see me, but I just giggled when I wrote that).
I am definitely a writer at heart, it is a regular occurrence to find myself searching frantically through my purse for a scrap of paper and a pen. For me, writing is a lovely filter of sorts, drawing out the reality of what is really going on inside my swirling mind. When I gave my life to the Lord, I found that my pen, which had been still for years, was put back into motion. Many of the poems you will read in this blog were given to me by the Spirit. I often use words that I have never even heard before, and find myself looking in a dictionary for their definitions. God is faithful to take the gifts that He gives to each of us, and redeem them for His kingdom purposes. I believe the things God teaches us, reveals to us, ways He grows us, etc. are not for us alone, but for the edifying of the Body and the furthering of His kingdom. His work in me is His alone.
The most important thing you should know about me is that I love Jesus. A while back, my former pastor gave a lovely description of a true worshiper: "Worship is a life that longs after Jesus." That is all I want to be known of me...that the God I worship is worthy of everything I could ever have and everything I could ever be. I am perfectly content with being forgettable, as long as my life points to the One who is not.
The whole point of this blog is to share with you the words He gives with the desire that they would draw you closer to Him. For any and every heart that is moved to worship the Lord because of the big and little words that come from my lips, I am overjoyed.
Psalm 45:1 “My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.”