Thursday, March 24, 2011

Isaiah 42:11a "Let the desert and its cities lift up their voice..."

Desert of man
©3-24-11 Hannah McLean

Oh desert of man
how long will you stand
surrounded by dust and the burning demands
of this dry and this dark, weary land?

Oh desert of man
you must lift up your voice and cry
“Abide, oh abide, Lord, abide, oh abide, oh abide”

You desert of man...

The raging sands have torn your face
the scalding sun has burned your skin
the thorny weeds have pierced your hands
you’ve turned your back
and closed your eyes
Oh desert of man
you must lift up your voice and cry
“Abide, oh abide, Lord, abide, oh abide, oh abide”

You desert of man...

He has given you a heart of flesh in place of stone
so why does it hollowly drone?
He has given you eternal life instead of death
so where is your purposeful breath?
He has given you all you need to be
so why don’t you live as one who’s been set free?

When the cross stands before you
stained red by His blood

the finished display of His grace

when light beams from the holes
on His hands and His feet
and favor pours from His risen face
oh why do you wait?

Oh desert of man
you must lift up your voice and cry
“Abide, oh abide, Lord, abide, oh abide, oh abide”

You desert of man...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

grace for the moment

©3-13-11 hannah mclean

so precise

Your measure

Your wisdom drips
from every drop of grace

You are enough

“flow, mercy, flow,” i cry

but You cover
my moments
as they come

sometimes a flood
and others a trickle

but no matter
the wisdom in or
the understanding of
the measure

You are always enough

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Picture: No more will he move us.

Today during corporate prayer, I was praying in the Spirit with my face lifted toward heaven. As the prayer topic shifted to the Harvest of the Lord, praying for those who did not yet believe, suddenly my neck was pulled upwards so that my head hung down. As it hung limp for a little while, suddenly my body felt completely limp and sagged into the sofa I was sitting on. Here is the picture that went with this:

A puppet on strings being moved by a puppeteer. Suddenly the hand of the puppeteer stopped working and the puppet hung limp. Then, the strings were cut and it fell to the ground in a heap.

The devil was the puppeteer and the title of this image is
“The dance of the puppeteer has ended.”

What a lovely promise.