Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The joy of personal testimony

Faithful Father
©6-10-09 Hannah Muonio

Lord, I marvel at Your ways
the wisdom and precision of Your weaving
the beauty and radiance as You’re known
By design, Lord,
You have intertwined Your faithfulness
with my life
You deeply wind
around and through my days that I
cannot separate the strands
or cut the ties
that delight my heart and mind and eyes

Lord, I marvel at the clarity
with which You’ve let Your greatness shine
through my life
no whisper spoken is void of Your hand’s strength
Your love’s length
Your merciful blaze
sufficient for each and every day
through this humble life displayed
The verity of You glory
resonates from every story

Lord, let me speak
open ears to hear
Your matchless name
Your endless beauty

Faithful Father,
my joy overflows to say
I am Yours
May I simply be a frame
through which You are beheld

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