Thursday, March 4, 2010

the joy set before us.

Sometimes I have a difficult time observing the world around me. I see a frightening momentum to sin and its effects. Sometimes I am bombarded by the crescendo of brokenness. But, what a gift to be reminded...yes, the devil may be working, but God is also working. This week I have been hearing reports of His mighty hand at work; There is growth happening, there are lives being transformed by Him, there is joy overflowing for Him, there is worship being lifted from new lips and old lips. Oh what a gift and such an encouragement! All praise to my worthy God!

worth ALL
©3-3-10 hannah mclean

oh, the sights delight
brightly beams Your beauty
through the mesh
fruit in lives abound
proving and approving Your hand’s work
seeing this perseverance
is worth ALL

oh, the sounds resound
praises peal from loosed tongues
piercing the clamor
testimonies echo from the heights
and raise from the dust
hearing this worship
is worth ALL

observing Your radiance
amid the brokenness
darkness shattering in the
presence of unmatched light
wounds healing in the
reconciliation of fallen man
for joy i persevere
for joy i persevere
Your holiness and love
make ALL worth bearing

lifted with the harmony around me
i see You clearer
i hear You nearer
i feel You dearer

beholding Your greatness
is worth ALL

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