Monday, August 2, 2010

moved to worship by His love

©8-2-10 hannah mclean

i am sold out
for You
eyes closed
heart soaring
worship flows for You alone
all laid out before You
naught withheld

joy sustaining

longing for You
to receive Your worth
unable to provide from my hands
but all i am
all i have
is laid out before You
offered in love and thanksgiving
at the foot of Your throne

joy overflowing

i am sold out
for You
Your presence my desire
Your mercy my hope
Your glory my goal
Your worth my worship
tears pour
a mere sprinkle
in the presence of Your lavish grace

though my lips are silent
as i kneel before You
joy and worship sweep
through and around me
like a uplifting wind

one word rolls through my mind:

i am sold out
for You,
my Savior
my Lord
my King

joy everlasting

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