Sunday, March 18, 2012

His words to me.

©3-18-12 hannah mclean

“I receive you.
I receive your worship, your prayers, your offerings, your sacrifice.
I receive your life and all that you present to Me
on open palms.

I receive you
when you return after wandering
when you humble yourself after questioning
when you submit yourself after controlling
when you lay yourself down after leading.

I receive your burdens, your fears, your suffering.
I receive your hopes, your desires, your longings.
I receive your past, your present, your future.

I receive you
when you are wounded
when you wound.

I receive you
when you are confused, ashamed, helpless
when you are weak, worried, waning.

I receive you
because you are Mine.
I have chosen you
I have accepted you
I have promised you
you are Mine.

I take you are you are.

I see you as you will be.

I love you now and forever.”

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