Tuesday, October 2, 2012

i am His dove

Song of Solomon 2:14 “My dove in the clefts of the rock, in the hiding places on the mountainside. Show Me your face, let Me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.”

my Beloved speaks and says to me
©10-2-12 hannah mclean

on the mountain of my sorrow
i hide among the rocks
Your dove

it is not that i intend to hide
but sometimes i cannot find my way
out of the deep clefts
i fall into
longing for the son
i must wait for You to come
straining my ears for You
till through the darkness
cuts the gentle peals of Your voice
offering life
and an invitation

“let Me see your face
let Me hear your voice”

i marvel at my silence
at my tear-stained cheeks
my joyless eyes
and wonder why

“for your voice is sweet
and your face is lovely
to Me”

and quietly i step
out of my shallow hiding place
and into Your light

Your dove
whose ruffled feathers You straighten
whose drooping wings You strengthen
whose hungry, gaping mouth You fill

in the open for this moment
i know
i am weak
but beloved

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