Wednesday, September 24, 2014

through and through and through

©9-24-14 hannah mclean

You have kept me
You have carried me
You have stayed with me
and through
and through

You did not bend
You did not break
You did not waiver
though I wondered
and wondered 
and wondered

You were always faithful
You were always patient
You were always enough
no matter
no matter 
no matter

and the voice with which
my soul now praises
offers depth anew
and the arms with which
my spirit raises
lift with strength in You
and the knees with which 
my body bends 
have known Your presence true

but had i not laid
in the rubble of life’s devastations
and looked upon the barrenness
of time flown by
i would not now know You
as I now contend You can be known
i would not now praise You
as I now ascertain You should be praised

for from the ashes
of life’s fires
i rise redeemed
untouched by flames
untarnished by smoke
but changed forever
by the One who walked the fiery coals 

with me

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