Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Just a glimpse.

"Our burning passion for Christ should make nonbelievers question their unbelief.” ~ Kiera Woods

I came across this quote the other day and I love it. I remember meeting with a missions coordinator at an organization probably 8 years ago and sharing my testimony with him. I told him, “I wish I could give people a glimpse of God, I feel like if I could show them what I see, they would desire to know Him as much as I do because He is just so completely glorious and lovely.” He sort of chuckled at me and made a comment about how newer believers live in that hope, but the world is far harder to captivate. But still, all these years later, my expectation still stands; I truly believe that even one glimpse of Jesus, as He truly is, is enough to draw the heart and cause it to cling forever to the only One worthy of worship.

I often lament that I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to show Him to people; so I just keep loving Him and clinging to Him and worshiping Him and conforming my life to Him and doing what He asks of me...and I am hoping (and I think that is why this quote resonates so deeply with me), that somehow living out my burning passion for Christ will “make nonbelievers question their unbelief” and turn their eyes to look at the One who holds my gaze.

Because I really think that the only thing that will make heaven more glorious, is if it is filled with familiar faces proclaiming the glory of God and enjoying Him forever.


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