Saturday, September 12, 2015

waiting for healing: day 286

day 286
©9-12-15 hannah mclean 

questions repeating

and beating
upon this strained mind
desiring to find
the answers to alleviate
and obliterate
the pain of not knowing.

what is happening to me?

i wonder as i blunder
from one day to the next
from the internal chiding
degrading me
as degradation plagues externally
determined to win
at convincing me
my brokenness is as much within
as without.

and daily i must
entrust myself
to the Truth
and to the Father
to which He leads.

o Jesus,
Healer of the broken
You have spoken
words over me
with authority
and i await
from this helpless state
unable to turn away
i lay
before You

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