Wednesday, February 17, 2010

ash wednesday contemplations

making You Lord
©2-17-10 hannah mclean

it is a fearful thing
to look inside of me
darkness as of soot
i’m sure to find
i would surely rather
close my eyes then
see these ashes

so much easier to hide
from what’s inside
to plead blind
to what i’d find

donning humility with fear
i ask

shed light
give sight

i’ve transgressions in measure
to multitudes of Your mercies
thorough washing i ask for
purge that i may be free
marveling i wonder
how can You stand
to look
when even i am prone to
turn my face

You have told me
to tear down my idols
for You
i have not complied
forgive me for the altars i have
left standing
pretending to be helpless
when You have given what is needed
to destroy with my own hand
when i have obeyed
You will know i’ve made You Lord

may my knees bow only
to You

against You only
have i sinned
and so before You alone
i come in ashes
to be washed white as snow
soot to wool
Christ in full

fallen man in the devil’s hold
a desperate soul
nothing to satan do You owe
purchased pardon from the Father
flows through Your wounds

i was
but You were greater
i am
and You are greater
i will be
for You will be greater still

mercy reigns, my King
love adorns, my God
grace beautifies, my Lord

beauty for ashes
i am Yours

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