Monday, October 1, 2012

The struggle to adjust.

The question these days has been, “So how are you adjusting to Cambridge?” This is not an easy question for me to answer. I sat down today to attempt to do a little bit of processing as to why.

As a general rule, I answer questions honestly. Excuse the cliché, but I am an open book; I have nothing to hide and nothing to prove, I know Who I live for and before, and as a result, I am free to be open. That’s what makes this adjustment so difficult; right now, I am not an open book. There are things in my life that I don’t want to talk about, can’t talk about, or have no idea HOW to talk about. I am not in a place where I can welcome people of varying levels of relationship into my life’s story; because my life’s story at the moment is engulfed in a grieving process that brings to the surface not only my own vulnerabilities, but also the vulnerabilities of others. My openness is not, for lack of a better word,
particularly “safe” right now.

This makes adjusting to a new environment and community difficult. I feel like I don’t know how to start or carry on a normal conversation. I feel stiff and awkward as I enter into conversations with new faces, and struggle to remember details they share with me or even their names. Where I naturally am at ease, I feel like I’m just stumbling along. It is not because I don’t desire relationship and friendship; not because I don’t get excited about meeting new people and enjoying the privilege of learning who they are; not because I’m shy or uninterested...but because I’m burdened by uncertainty of what to share about myself; because I’m limited by my lack of strength and joy to pour into the lives of those I meet; because I’m walled in by my own confusion and lack of understanding of where or how I am. What has been natural simply feels unnatural because I have not yet regained my balance.

So when I am asked the question of how I am adjusting, I say the only honest thing I can that won’t make them feel as though this new place or these new people have failed me...”I’m working on adjusting. It has been challenging, but I am actively trying.”

1 comment:

MandyG said...

I know I am a new face and one that asked that question to you just yesterday. I can only imagine what it must feel like to be grieving the loss of your brother, largely among strangers. Thank you for being honest with us in conversation and allowing yourself the freedom to be real. That is what I appreciated! You have been on my mind a lot today. I am so glad you decided to come last night!
P.S. You can ask me my name and details about me as many times as you need to!! :)