this dark night
©2-15-15 hannah mclean
my heart sorrows
as i look across the slew
of degradation
deceived minds
desensitized to sin
encased in evil and
unable to discern their end
a proverb rolls across my mind
“fools die for lack of wisdom”
no foresight
enslaved to things of earth
spiraling downward toward destruction
rejecting their only Lifeline
in the cause of exploration
indulging the flesh
oblivious to the stench
of decay
i weep
what must our Savior think
what must He feel
as memories of pain endured
separation from holiness and
to become sin that
we might become the righteousness of God
roll through His mind
i imagine that if He hung this moment
upon a rugged cross
blood soaked
He would look out at empty fields
for WHO WILL TURN to look upon the One
who frees
and makes whole
at a mere turn of our eyes
what sorrow must this slain Lamb feel
and fury
what fury must this reigning Lion roar
rejected glory
for this time of grace will end
and justice will come
upon the heads of the wicked
and though our Father
sorrows over all souls lost
He is holy
and just
and hell is a must
and so i look into the darkness
and ask my Lord to fill me with His Light
may it pour from my eyes
my hands
my feet
my lips
that i leave behind a path that glows with hope
and shine before me
a light that never grows dim
for Hope is greater
JESUS is greater
than this dark night
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