Wednesday, April 15, 2015


You are life-giving
©4-15-15 hannah mclean

You are life-giving
in the moments of my decay
You breathe Your breath 
upon me
and I stand another day
You lift me from the ashes
where time has burned me down
Your face is light upon me
when i deserve a frown

You are life-giving
in the moments of my fear
You breathe Your breath 
upon me
for You have joined me here
Your voice is never shaming
no power You demand
instead You ring out through the din
“peace” is Your command

You are life-giving
in the moments of my pain
and when You lift each trial
i know You by Your name

oh mercy of great measure
what have You to do with me?
my hands are always empty
yet You 
faithful eternally

You are life-giving
when i stand and when i fall
may my voice be never silent
for You hear me when i call

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