My health has stripped my physical body of its dignity.
It has diminished my body to a state
so painful for me to dwell upon
that years ago,
I simply separated myself from it.
I simply separated myself from it.
As though it was of no worth,
had no benefit to offer me.
Naught but a cross to bear
until I am made whole in eternity;
death seen as a welcome release
that will one day solidify the split.
My health has brought me pain;
deep wounds with great emotional collateral.
Unable to better my physical person
I chose instead to set it aside--
an amputee of sorts--
investing in the things this side of heaven
that will join me there.
Desiring instead to
“let your adornment be the hidden person of the heart
with imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is God’s sight is very precious.”
In God’s sight.
Over the years I have learned to live before the Lord alone,
perhaps first pressed by broken reasons,
but acceptable to Jesus none the less.
But there are weights that entangle,
causing our steps to trudge
and keeping us from running the race before us.
Good things that didn't begin as weights,
but that arrived there
when they began to hinder freedom.
In God’s sight.
I live before Him now for other reasons;
reasons that allow me to look into the pain
and reclaim the dignity my health has stripped me of.
I have become vividly convicted of the fact
that God made me
a soul, a spirit AND a body.
My body is a third of who I am;
and while it is but dust,
it bears the image and likeness of my Creator
and holds within its walls
the Spirit of the living God.
It is not just a body,
it is a temple.
And not just a temple,
but a temple of the living God.
Until I reach heaven,
where I get to physically worship
in His physical house,
He has chosen to enter into me
and make me
the physical dwelling place of the most High.
1 Corinthians 6:19 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?”
Armed with such a declaration,
I look upon this broken piece of flesh,
one I have averted my eyes from again and again.
Undignified by earthly standards.
I look upon this temple
laid in ruin for many years.
And carefully
I set aside the words
I have spoken to it again and again.
I set aside the expectation
of what it is suppose to be to be acceptable.
And instead
I let it stand just as it is,
accepted by the One who made it His own;
accepted by the One who made it His own;
a pile of bricks strewn upon a strong foundation
ready to be built back up.
And I place around my neck a cross
as upon a steeple
declaring to the world that
this is a house of the Lord.
Psalm 84:1 “How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord of Hosts!”
I marvel as these words You gave me years ago
flow through my mind,
“You restore to me
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