Tuesday, November 24, 2020

laments upon the mountain top

 honest outpour
©11-24-2020 hannah mclean

i lament
the severity of my weaknesses
the intensity of my deficits

before You i kneel
longing for Your all
expand me

expand my heart
my mind
my spirit
to receive
Your greater beauty
and power

the greatness of
Your fullness
accompanies Your
mighty moves

set me in my place
for such a time as this

You have stripped me of
all desires
but to know You

my arms are splayed
before You
my heart is united
in fear and affection
my eyes locked upon You
in awe and wonder and worship

if i have only Your eyes
Your ears
Your heart
i hold within myself
the pinnacle of joy

oh Worthy One
ALL worship belongs to You
ALL praise learns its dance
before You
who both delights
and draws

i bow
my tears fall upon Your feet
and splash upon Your royal robes
washed by Your blood
my tears should stain
but leave instead
only the mark of gratitude

and i am overwhelmed

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