Friday, December 11, 2015

Meditations from Psalm 65

The Psalm of 2015 for me is Psalm 65. The Lord gave it to me during my month of devoted prayer for healing, and it has been my plumb line. As I close out the year, I have been memorizing it because honestly, I just want it inside me always. I rarely sit down and intentionally commit large portions of scripture to memory, I grew up doing it, but have found that I don’t really remember stuff longterm that I “memorize” it. However, as a follower of Jesus who has spent countless hours in the Bible, my memory is filled with large portions of scripture because I have found that it sticks around in this flippant mind of mine when I have poured over it--meditating on it and praying though it--again and again and again; allowing it to reverberate through my heart like a chord plucked on a guitar until I know it...not just by word, but by meaning and feeling and sound and purpose. So when I say I am memorizing Psalm 65 this month, it is going to take me the entire month...not because I couldn’t do it in a day, but because I want it to remain longer than a day.

And as I slowly commit this Psalm word-for-word to memory, I keep encountering more and more truths that have really sweetened my world. (You’d think that after a year of reading this Psalm I would have wrung it out, but nope. Apparently I have barely brushed the surface.) So I wanted to share some of my meditations this month with you. 

So hang tight, they are coming your way. :)

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