Friday, December 11, 2015

Meditations from Psalm 65:4

Blessed is the one You choose and bring near,
to dwell in Your courts!
We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house,
the holiness of Your temple!

To be chosen, to be near, to dwell with You is to be truly blessed and fully satisfied.  

It isn’t a given, brothers and sisters, that we “dwell” in His courts. He chooses us and brings us near for the purpose of dwelling in His courts, but it isn’t a given. It is an intentional action on our parts. We have been invited, but will we come? Will we take the time to not just enter into His courts, but to dwell there? 

To abide in His presence; to rest our heads upon His lap, to wash His feet with our tears, to know the satisfaction of His goodness and holiness? To abide in His courts; to be held in the strength of His arms, to be carried by the freedom of His wings, to be washed by the blood that flowed from His side. 

Will we delight enough in the fact that He has chosen us and brought us near to hang out with Him in His courts, to know the atmosphere of His throne room and the glorious weight of His presence? 

Because it is there that we are satisfied; it is there that the cares of the world are swallowed up in the glories of His praiseworthy character and perfect work; it is there where earthly desires are trumped by Who He is and we can find that all we TRULY desire is Him. I have found that in this place, all the things I intended to pray about escape my mind and all I can do is delight in the One who is before me. 

Blessed and satisfied.

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